Monday, August 12, 2013

Treating Hemorrhoids Without Surgery

When people feel any discomfort because of hemorrhoids or piles, the first thing that always comes to mind is "how to get rid of hemorrhoids?". Most people these days try to avoid having to undergo surgery just to get rid of hemorrhoids as long as there are other treatment options for them to choose from. Hemorrhoids is a problem encountered worldwide, in fact there are millions of people who suffer from it - about fifty percent of the US population are suffering from external hemorrhoids. Most of these people only consider undergoing a hemorrhoidectomy once the pain they are suffering is already too severe that even natural hemorrhoid treatments are not able to cure it. On the other hand, having a surgery does not always mean that it is perfectly successful in getting rid of the hemorrhoids permanently. In fact, it is not alarming for people who have undergone surgery to start having piles creeping out of their rectal areas a few months after the procedure has been done.

To help avoid this future dilemma, here are a few hemorrhoids home treatment methods to have immediate pain relief:

Ice - A good way to relieve yourself from the pain and burning itch of external hemroids is placing an ice pack directly over it. The ice relieves pain by cooling and numbing the rectal area, it also effectively shrinks the size of the hemorrhoid.

Witch Hazel - It has properties in it that are proven to reduce the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. The best results is achieved when you press and hold the cotton ball soaked with witch hazel on the area for a few minutes.

Warm Sitz Bath - sit in a shallow container with warm water for a few minutes, not only does it soothe hemorrhoids through its warmth, it is also effective in reducing its size and keeping the rectal area clean. To achieve optimal results, one should have at least three sitz bath a day.

Creams and Ointments - there are over the counter hemorrhoid creams that contain hydrocortisone which are very effective in provide fast and temporary pain relief. However, they are only designed to provide quick and temporary results in relieving pain, and they do not cure your hemorrhoid condition.

Vapor Rub - OK, so it may sound a little off but it is really used by a lot of people who suffer from hemorrhoids and is really effective. Using a small amount of vapor rub, lather on the hemorrhoid directly to soothe the area and reduce inflammation. For better results, you can include vapor rub in your warm sitz bath for better relief.

Though these are not the solution to completely remove your hemorrhoids, a combination of these remedies can help get you through a flare-up and ease your suffering.

The most effective way of getting rid of hemorrhoids is to live a healthy lifestyle; start eating healthier, and start living an active life with enough exercise to heal your body from the inside.

If a week has gone by and these remedies have not relieved your pain in any way, then now it the time to consult your doctor for other treatment options to get rid of hemorrhoids.

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Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids without Harsh Chemicals

There are many people who suffer from hemorrhoids which is embarrassing and uncomfortable to have. Most adults will suffer hemorrhoids. It is a major problem of most people and it can lead them to feel stressed either in their home or work. They are willing to follow what the doctor orders them to do but sadly most of the chemical and surgery treatments won't stop the problem. They are keep on looking for treatments, but is there a treatment that is effective for long term? To solve the problem, lots of people including the experts would all depend on natural hemorrhoid treatment. There are natural herbs, extracts, as well as plants which are present for many years so that they can treat hemorrhoid.

The natural hemorrhoid treatments also have steps which one should follow for those who have hemorrhoids. It is necessary to drink adequate amount of water.Make sure to drink water before you eat. When you eat, do it slowly so that you will feel full and do not go on if you haven't feel full. You may also lessen the discomfort of having hemorrhoids if you will take a short walk after your eat.

As much as possible, research for the various hemorrhoid treatment which are present. There are many people who have been satisfied with the outcomes of natural hemorrhoid treatment than the chemical or surgical treatment. The main advantage of natural treatment for hemorrhoids is it doesn't have any dangerous side effects for the body.

The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are pain, burning, and itchiness on the anal area. These symptoms can really disappoint anybody who has hemorrhoids. If you are not physically healthy, it will also affect your mind. They will most probably feel worthless at home or at work. Hemorrhoids can be alleviated with the right diet. A natural treatment which consist of a series of steps must be followed. The natural treatments are proven many sufferers who have used it as well as many studies have been made by expert to know it efficacy.

You may need to modify your lifestyle, eat proper diet, and regular exercise. There are also other treatments for people who has hemorrhoids. There are other types of hemorrhoids which range from mild to severe. The natural hemorrhoid treatment would also let the affected person know his mistakes which lead him to have this problem as well as it also provide solution.

Even if exercise can help solve the situation, it is still not enough when it comes to treating hemorrhoids. Other kinds of natural treatments are herbs, extracts, and plants which are all beneficial and they have no side effects.

The natural treatment provides solution for the problem and that you must know too what are hemorrhoids. A difference may be experienced after the treatment has been started. For those who have hemorrhoids, natural treatment is the best. You will no longer need to suffer from pain and embarrassment.

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The Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids

Most believe that the method of curing hemorrhoids is through surgery. This is the most suggested way to get rid of hemorrhoids by medical practitioners and people alike.

Two types of hemorrhoids actually exist: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids where they have a little difference in side effects when curing. During the removal of the hemorrhoids during the surgery, you will undoubtedly feel pain. Usually, you will be given anti pain medications to numb you of the pain and most probably, 2 days or so to recover. You may need to rest up for one to two months to get your wound healed up and your life normal again.

As mentioned before, surgery is widely used to get rid of hemorrhoids but it is not always successful, previous patients have complained of hemorrhoids recurring even if first treatment was successful. Doctors often to forget from enlighten their patients that surgery only removes the symptom only, but is not a cure for the problem itself. If the hemorrhoids are removed but the main cause still resides, then most likely, the hemorrhoids will be making a comeback.

To our luck, by the use of medical interventions and a healthy lifestyle, hemorrhoids can be contained. If ever the rectal vein gets swollen, then hemorrhoids are likely to recur.If during hemorrhoids, your rectal veins did become enlarged then most probably the symptom is likely to recur. The first step in curing hemorrhoids is to find the main cause. Simply eat or do things to keep which can keep your stools soft thus preventing straining which can cause hemorrhoids. Performing regular exercises is so important, because it helps lower chances of hemorrhoid development.

The treatment method is first done by removing the symptom, then eliminating the hemorrhoids. To remedy the aching, use pain medications but if you are experiencing itching and burning, use topical creams or some suppositories. Getting a hot sitz bath a number of times a day is advised to help reduce the size of the hemorrhoid and itching. To avoid straining on moving your bowels, it is advised to use a bulk fiber laxative or stool softeners. The rectal area should always be kept clean and thoroughly dried after every bowel movement. There are other means to reduce swelling, itch and pain due to hemorrhoids, some of which include painkillers such as naproxen sodium and hemorrhoid creams that contain hydrocortisone.

When you fail to treat hemorrhoids using home remedies, now would be a good time to consult your doctor on the matter. You might have mistaken the symptoms for hemorrhoids because they have similar symptoms to other more complicated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or bowel infection, in which professional help is needed for treatment. Thrombosed hemorrhoid may not be serious but it still warrants medical attention. These are black or purple hard growths found on the anus. When an appointment to the physician is set-aside, it may take a while for the hemorrhoid to disappear. This causes pain, with the help of a physician your discomfort would be eased after an incision has been made to remove the clot and remove the bulging immediately.

Other than medicated pads with witch hazel, there are different herbal ingredients that can also help get rid of hemorrhoids.

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Effectively Treating Hemorrhoid Problems At Home With Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment

There are numerous individuals who are suffering from hemorrhoid, however, this is the kind of topic that is embarrassing and very awkward for them to talk about to other people. It is said that around 75 percent of today's population in the country are diagnosed with hemorrhoids once or twice in their lives most especially when they become adults. Hemorrhoids is believed to be a main concern to many individuals in view of the fact that it can affect their work and their private lives substantially because of the stress that it can cause.

These people will always try to follow all the instructions that their physician told them to, however, surgery and chemical hemorrhoid treatments don't solve their problem. These people are always on the lookout for an effective solution, and the question is, is there an available solution that really works and how long will it work?

To give cure to this problem, you are going to find a lot of scientists and a lot of people who have started resorting to natural hemorrhoid treatments they can find. If you would like to treat hemorrhoids at home, the use of natural herbs, plants and extract is proven to be effective and has been the treatment used for a lot of centuries now all throughout the globe.

When it comes to your desire to cure hemorrhoids at home, it will also contain some simple tips that every individuals who suffer from this medical condition ought to follow consistently. It is very important that you drink lots of water every single day. Aside from that, it is important that before having meals or snacks, it is recommended that you drink water first. When you are having your meal, it is very important that you eat a little slow, in this manner, you will be able to feel if you are nearly full and then, you can simply discontinue eating the moment you feel that you are full.

The moment you finish your meal, always engage in light exercises like having a short walk as this is proven to lessen the discomfort you might be having if you have hemroids. You are going to find lots of individuals who experienced excellent results by choosing natural hemorrhoid treatment instead of resorting to surgical or any chemical hemorrhoid treatments available since great results was what they experienced from using the former. And one excellent reason as to why people prefer the natural hemorrhoid treatment is because of the fact that there are no bad side effects from using this kind of treatment in treating their hemorrhoid problems.

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Hemorrhoids 101: How To Treat Them At Home

If you have problems sitting down or experiencing discomfort in your anal area, you might have hemorrhoids. What are external hemorrhoids?  Due to heavy lifting, bowel strain movements and pressure from pregnancy,  hemorrhoids happened. These are veins around the anal area becomes inflamed. Once it swollen and at times small drops of blood can be seen. External and internal hemorrhoids are the two classifications of the problem. Internal, and external hemorrhoids are the two types of the health condition. Internal hemorrhoid happens inside the rectum whereas the external hemorrhoid affects the skin surrounding the anus area.

Having hemorrhoids are non-life threatening and in fact most people do experience the problem early on in their life. Symptoms depends on the mildness or severity of the problem. Pain, swelling, minute drops of blood, and lumps around the anus area are some of the symptoms of hemorrhoid. Treatments for hemorrhoids depend on the severity of the condition. Usually doctors would recommend the use of OTC cream, suppositories and pads to relieve the discomfort and itchiness that the condition causes. Creams are prescribed for a week only or as recommended by the doctor, otherwise, it is best not to use it to prevent any side effects.

There are times when blood clot would appear especially if patients have external hemorrhoids. To alleviate the discomfort and pain of the patient, doctors can do a minimal invasive surgery to remove the problem. Injection, laser and rubber band litigation are other non-invasive surgery that physicians perform to patients with hemorrhoids. Surgical procedures would include (a) hemorrhoidectomy and (b) stapled hemorrhoidectomy.

Hemorrhoids do not go away completely. To ensure effectiveness of the treatment or on how to get rid of hemorrhoids, patients are advise to alter their eating habits as well as their lifestyle. Other home treatments for hemorrhoids are also available including the following: 

(1) Doing warm sitz bath after bowel movement can greatly help the swelling down as well as relaxes the muscle

(2) Eat fiber rich food

(3) Increase supplement intake if one is low in high fiber food

(4) Drinking eight glasses of water

(5) Monitor the sodium intake as excess salt can cause swelling

(6) Take pain relievers

(7) Use wet towels or soft towels to clean the area.

These are just some of the hemorrhoids home treatment that one can do to alleviate the symptoms. Treatments can usually last about a week. For those individuals who experience differently or see any changes with their stools (ex. Black markings on the stool) might indicate other problems and of which you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. This should not take a backseat as more often than not, severe symptoms might indicate a bigger problem.

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